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Why Choose GRN Procurement


Increase Procurement Capability not Headcount

GRN offer an outsourced procurement service, including the latest tools and processes to provide your organisation with a fit for purpose capability without having to hire full time employees.

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Reallocate Spend To Priority Projects

We are often asked by C-Level executives to help them deliver their business strategy without blowing their budget, by reducing the costs in one area of spend, which they can invest in their business-critical projects.


Get Value from Your Supplier Contracts

Our research has shown that up 25% of contract value is lost over the term of the contract.  GRN has a contract waste review team, that can assess your key contracts and help reduce/remove this value leakage.


Targeted Review of Key areas of Spend

We run analytics on your spend data and provide you with a detailed plan, that sets out the optimum number of suppliers, that provide you with the best pricing and services, while meeting the strategic objectives of the different stakeholders.


Remove Risk & Realise Benefits from M&A

Whether you are going to merge, be acquired or divest an element of your business, we can help you remove risk on the way in and then help you realise the business benefits faster once the activity is complete. 

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Materially Increase your profitability

GRN consistently deliver 20% savings for businesses in supplier costs. Every £ we save you equates to three times that in sales revenue. In simple terms GRN will save your company money, which equates to higher profits for you. 

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